Heavenly Father, You have called us to live as missionary disciples of your Son, Jesus Christ. Grant us the gift of wisdom to know and to do God’s will, and the grace of freedom to say “yes” to Christ’s call to be his disciples and announce the Kingdom of God with our words and our deeds. Amen.
The Lord is calling you to serve Him in His Church with the many talents He has given you. Take a moment to pray about where the Lord might be calling you to serve with those talents in our parish.
If you are ready to answer to God’s calling now, please use the Discipleship Card button below.
Queen of Peace Ministries
Altar Servers: Assists the Priest Celebrant during Sunday Mass and other special liturgical celebrations such as the Easter Vigil, Confirmations, etc.
Lectors: Proclaim the Word of God during the Liturgy of the Church.
Hospitality Ministers: Serve in our Sunday and Holy Day Masses welcoming the people, handling the offertory collection and assisting our parishioners during the Mass.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Mandated by the Archbishop to assist the priest in the distribution of Holy Communion.
Choirs: Serve to proclaim the mystery of Christ through singing.
Faith Formation
RE Catechist: Prepares students and their parents reception of the Sacraments of Initiation.
Child Nursery Ministry:. Supervise and lead age-appropriate activities for children while parents participate in Mass or other parish events.
St. Pete’s Café: The café exists to share Christian conversations with our guests, in a place where they can find repose with quality coffee.
Spirit Ed Ministry: Provides community support for adults with development disabilities including engaging them in Mass.
Caring for the church
Flower Ministry: Prepares our flower arrangements for weekend Masses and special liturgical celebrations.
Linen Ministry: Assists the parish by washing and ironing various liturgical linens and special event tablecloths.
Maintenance Ministry: Our parish grounds need regular upkeep and maintenance in a variety of areas: carpentry, painting, HVAC, electricity, plumbing, etc.
Cleaning Ministry: Assists with weekly cleaning maintenance. Additionally with weekend bathroom cleaning.
Kitchen and events ministry: Supervises and follows up with special event coordinators to ensure the kitchen is restored to it’s original orderly and cleaned condition.
Reception Volunteer: Assists the parish receptionist. Bilingual volunteers are preferred.
Office Volunteer: Assists the office staff with database, translations, organization, Sacramental Books, etc.
Funeral Ministry: Assists in the preparations leading up to a funeral celebration and meets with the family members as they navigate the process of saying goodbye to a loved one.
Ministry to the Sick: Distribute Holy Communion to the homebound, and spend time with them in prayer.
Martha’s Ministry: Works with families to coordinate, serve and clean up at funeral receptions in Pentecost Hall.
Safety Team: Ensures the safety and security of our parishioners and visitors during the liturgical celebrations and other parish activities.
Pro-life Ministry: Recognizes life begins at conception and ends with natural death and are involved in prayer events throughout the year.
Friends of St. Andrew: Help to serve people daily with a meal or prepare a food basket for homeless and those in need.
St. Vincent de Paul Society: Helps with rental assistance and utilities, to those who live within our parish boundaries and helps them get the resources they need.
ESL Tutor: We are looking for someone to lead our English as a Second Language Program, which offers classes at different levels.
Offertory Counters: Serves Monday mornings from 9:00am to 1:00pm on alternating weeks, recording offertory and preparing the bank deposits.
Discipleship Committee: Engages the various parish ministries during the year to encourage ministries to proclaims Christ’s love and be a witness of Christ in the world.