THE EASTER VIGIL In the holy night

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Saturday April 11, 2020 8:15 pM
Sábado 11 de abril del 2020 8:15 pm

 Queen of peace catholic parish
Parroquia Católica Reina de la PAz

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 “At the Easter Vigil, the Church represents the mystery of the light of Christ in the sign of the Paschal candle, whose flame is both light and heat. The symbolism of light is connected with that of fire: radiance and heat, radiance and the transforming energy contained in the fire – truth and love go together. The Paschal candle burns, and is thereby consumed: Cross and resurrection are inseparable.” - Pope Benedict XVI

 The Liturgy of the Light / La Liturgia de la Luz 

Fr. Felix blesses the fire, saying with hands extended:

 Let us pray:

O God, who through your Son bestowed upon the faithful the fire of your glory, sanctify this new fire, we pray, and grant that, by these paschal celebrations, we may be so inflamed with heavenly desires, that with minds made pure we may attain festivities of unending splendor. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

 Procession Inside the Church / Procesión Dentro de la Iglesia

The congregation led in procession behind the Easter candle. The deacon stops at the entry of the church and proclaims:

Deacon:           The Light of Christ
Congregation: Thanks be to God

 All light candles from the flame of the Pascal Candle and continue in procession to their seats.

 Deacon:           The Light of Christ
Congregation: Thanks be to God

 All now standing in the church, the procession of the ministers continues to the sanctuary. 

Deacon:           The Light of Christ
Congregation: Thanks be to God

The Exsultet: Easter Proclamation / Pregón Pascual

This ancient hymn of praise of the Easter candle, was introduced into the liturgy in Rome by Pope Zosimus in 417, but was used far earlier throughout Europe. After a sung invocation, the congregation joins in the following dialogue.

 Deacon:                       The Lord be with you.
Congregation:    And with your spirit.
Deacon:                       Lift up your hearts.
Congregation:    We lift them up to the Lord
Deacon:                       Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
Congregation:           It is right and just. 

 All are now seated for the Liturgy of the Word.
Todos se sientan para la Liturgia de la Palabra.


The Liturgy of the Word consists of seven readings from Sacred Scripture that account for the entirety of salvation history, as it culminates in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. After each reading, a psalm is sung; and following the psalm, the congregation stands as Fr. Felix unites our prayers in what is known as a collect prayer.

La Liturgia de la Palabra consiste en siete lecturas de la Sagrada Escritura que explican la totalidad de la historia de la salvación, ya que culmina en la muerte y resurrección de Jesucristo. Después de cada lectura, se canta un salmo; y siguiendo el salmo, la congregación se pone de pie mientras el P. Félix une nuestras oraciones en lo que es conocido como la oración “colecta”.

GN 1:1-2:2
Proclaimed in English

A Reading from the book of Genesis.

In the beginning, when God created the heavens and the earth,
the earth was a formless wasteland, and darkness covered the abyss,
while a mighty wind swept over the waters.

Then God said,
"Let there be light," and there was light.
God saw how good the light was.
God then separated the light from the darkness.
God called the light "day," and the darkness he called "night."
Thus evening came, and morning followed—the first day.

Then God said,
"Let there be a dome in the middle of the waters,
to separate one body of water from the other."
And so it happened:
God made the dome,
and it separated the water above the dome from the water below it.
God called the dome "the sky."
Evening came, and morning followed—the second day.

Then God said,
"Let the water under the sky be gathered into a single basin,
so that the dry land may appear."
And so it happened:
the water under the sky was gathered into its basin,
and the dry land appeared.
God called the dry land "the earth, "
and the basin of the water he called "the sea."
God saw how good it was.
Then God said,
"Let the earth bring forth vegetation:
every kind of plant that bears seed
and every kind of fruit tree on earth
that bears fruit with its seed in it."
And so it happened:
the earth brought forth every kind of plant that bears seed
and every kind of fruit tree on earth
that bears fruit with its seed in it.
God saw how good it was.
Evening came, and morning followed—the third day.

Then God said:
"Let there be lights in the dome of the sky,
to separate day from night.
Let them mark the fixed times, the days and the years,
and serve as luminaries in the dome of the sky,
to shed light upon the earth."
And so it happened:
God made the two great lights,
the greater one to govern the day,
and the lesser one to govern the night;
and he made the stars.
God set them in the dome of the sky,
to shed light upon the earth,
to govern the day and the night,
and to separate the light from the darkness.
God saw how good it was.
Evening came, and morning followed—the fourth day.

Then God said,
"Let the water teem with an abundance of living creatures,
and on the earth let birds fly beneath the dome of the sky."
And so it happened:
God created the great sea monsters
and all kinds of swimming creatures with which the water teems,
and all kinds of winged birds.
God saw how good it was, and God blessed them, saying,
"Be fertile, multiply, and fill the water of the seas;
and let the birds multiply on the earth."
Evening came, and morning followed—the fifth day.

Then God said,
"Let the earth bring forth all kinds of living creatures:
cattle, creeping things, and wild animals of all kinds."
And so it happened:
God made all kinds of wild animals, all kinds of cattle,
and all kinds of creeping things of the earth.
God saw how good it was.
Then God said:
"Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.
Let them have dominion over the fish of the sea,
the birds of the air, and the cattle,
and over all the wild animals
and all the creatures that crawl on the ground."
God created man in his image;
in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them.
God blessed them, saying:
"Be fertile and multiply;
fill the earth and subdue it.
Have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air,
and all the living things that move on the earth."
God also said:
"See, I give you every seed-bearing plant all over the earth
and every tree that has seed-bearing fruit on it to be your food;
and to all the animals of the land, all the birds of the air,
and all the living creatures that crawl on the ground,
I give all the green plants for food."
And so it happened.
God looked at everything he had made, and he found it very good.
Evening came, and morning followed—the sixth day.
Thus the heavens and the earth and all their array were completed.
Since on the seventh day God was finished
with the work he had been doing,
he rested on the seventh day from all the work he had undertaken.

The Word of the Lord.
R. Thanks be to God. 

Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 104) 

R. Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth.
Bless the LORD, O my soul!
O LORD, my God, you are great indeed!
You are clothed with majesty and glory,
robed in light as with a cloak.
R. Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth.
You fixed the earth upon its foundation,
not to be moved forever;
with the ocean, as with a garment, you covered it;
above the mountains the waters stood.
R. Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth.
You send forth springs into the watercourses
that wind among the mountains.
Beside them the birds of heaven dwell;
from among the branches they send forth their song.
R. Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth.
You water the mountains from your palace;
the earth is replete with the fruit of your works.
You raise grass for the cattle,
and vegetation for man's use,
Producing bread from the earth.
R. Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth.
How manifold are your works, O LORD!
In wisdom you have wrought them all—
the earth is full of your creatures.
Bless the LORD, O my soul!
R.  Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth. 

GN 22:1-18
Proclaimed in Spanish

 Lectura del libro de Génesis:

En aquel tiempo, Dios le puso una prueba a Abraham y le dijo: “¡Abraham, Abraham!” Él respondió: “Aquí estoy”. Y Dios le dijo: “Toma a tu hijo único, Isaac, a quien tanto amas; vete a la región de Moria y ofrécemelo en sacrificio, en el monte que yo te indicaré”.

Abraham madrugó, aparejó su burro, tomó consigo a dos de sus criados y a su hijo Isaac; cortó leña para el sacrificio y se encaminó al lugar que Dios le había indicado. Al tercer día divisó a lo lejos el lugar. Les dijo entonces a sus criados: “Quédense aquí con el burro; yo iré con el muchacho hasta allá, para adorar a Dios y después regresaremos”.

Abraham tomó la leña para el sacrificio, se la cargó a su hijo Isaac y tomó en su mano el fuego y el cuchillo. Los dos caminaban juntos. Isaac dijo a su padre Abraham: “¡Padre!” Él respondió: “¿Qué quieres, hijo?” El muchacho contestó: “Ya tenemos fuego y leña, pero, ¿dónde está el cordero para el sacrificio?” Abraham le contestó: “Dios nos dará el cordero para el sacrificio, hijo mío”. Y siguieron caminando juntos.

Cuando llegaron al sitio que Dios le había señalado, Abraham levantó un altar y acomodó la leña. Luego ató a su hijo Isaac, lo puso sobre el altar, encima de la leña, y tomó el cuchillo para degollarlo.

Pero el ángel del Señor lo llamó desde el cielo y le dijo: “¡Abraham, Abraham!” Él contestó: “Aquí estoy”. El ángel le dijo: “No descargues la mano contra tu hijo, ni le hagas daño. Ya veo que temes a Dios, porque no le has negado a tu hijo único”. Abraham levantó los ojos y vio un carnero, enredado por los cuernos en la maleza. Atrapó el carnero y lo ofreció en sacrificio en lugar de su hijo. Abraham puso por nombre a aquel sitio “el Señor provee”, por lo que aun el día de hoy se dice: “el monte donde el Señor provee”.

El ángel del Señor volvió a llamar a Abraham desde el cielo y le dijo: “Juro por mí mismo, dice el Señor, que por haber hecho esto y no haberme negado a tu hijo único, yo te bendeciré y multiplicaré tu descendencia como las estrellas del cielo y las arenas del mar. Tus descendientes conquistarán las ciudades enemigas. En tu descendencia serán bendecidos todos los pueblos de la tierra, porque obedeciste a mis palabras”.

Palabra de Dios.
R. Te alabamos, Señor.

Salmo Responsorial (Salmo 15)

 R. (1) Protégeme, Dios mío, porque me refugio en ti.
El Señor es la parte que me ha tocado en herencia:
mi vida está en tus manos.
Tengo siempre presente al Señor,
y con él a mi lado, jamás tropezaré.
R. Protégeme, Dios mío, porque me refugio en ti.
Por eso se me alegran el corazón y el alma
y mi cuerpo vivirá tranquilo,
porque tú no me abandonarás a la muerte,
ni dejarás que sufra yo la corrupción.
R. Protégeme, Dios mío, porque me refugio en ti.
Enséñame el camino de la vida,
sáciame de gozo en tu presencia
y de alegría perpetua junto a ti.
R. Protégeme, Dios mío, porque me refugio en ti.

EX 14:15-15:1
Proclaimed in English

A Reading from the book of Exodus.

 The LORD said to Moses, "Why are you crying out to me?
Tell the Israelites to go forward.
And you, lift up your staff and, with hand outstretched over the sea,
split the sea in two,
that the Israelites may pass through it on dry land.
But I will make the Egyptians so obstinate
that they will go in after them.
Then I will receive glory through Pharaoh and all his army,
his chariots and charioteers.
The Egyptians shall know that I am the LORD,
when I receive glory through Pharaoh
and his chariots and charioteers."

The angel of God, who had been leading Israel's camp,
now moved and went around behind them.
The column of cloud also, leaving the front,
took up its place behind them,
so that it came between the camp of the Egyptians
and that of Israel.
But the cloud now became dark, and thus the night passed
without the rival camps coming any closer together
all night long.
Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea,
and the LORD swept the sea
with a strong east wind throughout the night
and so turned it into dry land.
When the water was thus divided,
the Israelites marched into the midst of the sea on dry land,
with the water like a wall to their right and to their left.

The Egyptians followed in pursuit;
all Pharaoh's horses and chariots and charioteers went after them
right into the midst of the sea.
In the night watch just before dawn
the LORD cast through the column of the fiery cloud
upon the Egyptian force a glance that threw it into a panic;
and he so clogged their chariot wheels
that they could hardly drive.
With that the Egyptians sounded the retreat before Israel,
because the LORD was fighting for them against the Egyptians.

Then the LORD told Moses, "Stretch out your hand over the sea,
that the water may flow back upon the Egyptians,
upon their chariots and their charioteers."
So Moses stretched out his hand over the sea,
and at dawn the sea flowed back to its normal depth.
The Egyptians were fleeing head on toward the sea,
when the LORD hurled them into its midst.
As the water flowed back,
it covered the chariots and the charioteers of Pharaoh's whole army
which had followed the Israelites into the sea.
Not a single one of them escaped.
But the Israelites had marched on dry land
through the midst of the sea,
with the water like a wall to their right and to their left.
Thus the LORD saved Israel on that day
from the power of the Egyptians.
When Israel saw the Egyptians lying dead on the seashore
and beheld the great power that the LORD
had shown against the Egyptians,
they feared the LORD and believed in him and in his servant Moses.

Then Moses and the Israelites sang this song to the LORD:
I will sing to the LORD, for he is gloriously triumphant;
horse and chariot he has cast into the sea.

 The word of the Lord.
R. Thanks be to God.

Responsorial Psalm (Exodus 15)

R. Let us sing to the Lord; he has covered himself in glory.
I will sing to the LORD, for he is gloriously triumphant;
horse and chariot he has cast into the sea.
My strength and my courage is the LORD,
and he has been my savior.
He is my God, I praise him;
the God of my father, I extol him.
R. Let us sing to the Lord; he has covered himself in glory.
The LORD is a warrior,
LORD is his name!
Pharaoh's chariots and army he hurled into the sea;
the elite of his officers were submerged in the Red Sea.
R. Let us sing to the Lord; he has covered himself in glory.
The flood waters covered them,
they sank into the depths like a stone.
Your right hand, O LORD, magnificent in power,
your right hand, O LORD, has shattered the enemy.
R. Let us sing to the Lord; he has covered himself in glory.
You brought in the people you redeemed
and planted them on the mountain of your inheritance
the place where you made your seat, O LORD,
the sanctuary, LORD, which your hands established.
The LORD shall reign forever and ever.
R. Let us sing to the Lord; he has covered himself in glory.

IS 55:1-11
Proclaimed in Spanish

 Lectura del libro de Isaías:

Esto dice el Señor:
“Todos ustedes, los que tienen sed, vengan por agua;
y los que no tienen dinero,
vengan, tomen trigo y coman;
tomen vino y leche sin pagar.
¿Por qué gastar el dinero en lo que no es pan
y el salario, en lo que no alimenta?

Escúchenme atentos y comerán bien,
saborearán platillos sustanciosos.
Préstenme atención, vengan a mí,
escúchenme y vivirán.

Sellaré con ustedes una alianza perpetua,
cumpliré las promesas que hice a David.
Como a él lo puse por testigo ante los pueblos,
como príncipe y soberano de las naciones,
así tú reunirás a un pueblo desconocido,
y las naciones que no te conocían acudirán a ti,
por amor del Señor, tu Dios,
por el Santo de Israel, que te ha honrado.

Busquen al Señor mientras lo pueden encontrar,
invóquenlo mientras está cerca;
que el malvado abandone su camino,
y el criminal, sus planes;
que regrese al Señor, y él tendrá piedad;
a nuestro Dios, que es rico en perdón.

Mis pensamientos no son los pensamientos de ustedes,
sus caminos no son mis caminos.
Porque así como aventajan los cielos a la tierra,
así aventajan mis caminos a los de ustedes
y mis pensamientos a sus pensamientos.

Como bajan del cielo la lluvia y la nieve
y no vuelven allá, sino después de empapar la tierra,
de fecundarla y hacerla germinar
a fin de que dé semilla para sembrar y pan para comer,
así será la palabra que sale de mi boca:
no volverá a mí sin resultado,
sino que hará mi voluntad
y cumplirá su misión''.

Palabra de Dios.
R. Te Alabamos, Señor.

Salmo Responsorial (Isaías 12)

R. Ustedes sacarán agua con gozo de la fuente de la salvación.
El Señor es mi Dios y salvador,
con él estoy seguro y nada temo.
El Señor es mi protección y mi fuerza
y ha sido mi salvación.
Sacarán agua con gozo
de la fuente de salvación.
R. Ustedes sacarán agua con gozo de la fuente de la salvación.
Den gracias al Señor,
invoquen su nombre,
cuenten a los pueblos sus hazañas,
proclamen que su nombre es sublime.
R. Ustedes sacarán agua con gozo de la fuente de la salvación.
Alaben al Señor por sus proezas,
anúncienlas a toda la tierra.
Griten jubilosos, habitantes de Sión,
porque el Dios de Israel
ha sido grande con ustedes.
R. Ustedes sacarán agua con gozo de la fuente de la salvación.

EZ 36:16-17A, 18-28
Proclaimed in English

A reading from the book of Ezekiel.

The word of the LORD came to me, saying:
Son of man, when the house of Israel lived in their land,
they defiled it by their conduct and deeds.
Therefore I poured out my fury upon them
because of the blood that they poured out on the ground,
and because they defiled it with idols.
I scattered them among the nations,
dispersing them over foreign lands;
according to their conduct and deeds I judged them.
But when they came among the nations wherever they came,
they served to profane my holy name,
because it was said of them: "These are the people of the LORD,
yet they had to leave their land."
So I have relented because of my holy name
which the house of Israel profaned
among the nations where they came.
Therefore say to the house of Israel: Thus says the Lord GOD:
Not for your sakes do I act, house of Israel,
but for the sake of my holy name,
which you profaned among the nations to which you came.
I will prove the holiness of my great name, profaned among the nations,
in whose midst you have profaned it.
Thus the nations shall know that I am the LORD, says the Lord GOD,
when in their sight I prove my holiness through you.
For I will take you away from among the nations,
gather you from all the foreign lands,
and bring you back to your own land.
I will sprinkle clean water upon you
to cleanse you from all your impurities,
and from all your idols I will cleanse you.
I will give you a new heart and place a new spirit within you,
taking from your bodies your stony hearts
and giving you natural hearts.
I will put my spirit within you and make you live by my statutes,
careful to observe my decrees.
You shall live in the land I gave your fathers;
you shall be my people, and I will be your God.

 The word of the Lord.
R. Thanks be to God.

Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 42)

R. Like a deer that longs for running streams, my soul longs for you, my God.
Athirst is my soul for God, the living God.
When shall I go and behold the face of God?
R. Like a deer that longs for running streams, my soul longs for you, my God.
I went with the throng
and led them in procession to the house of God,
Amid loud cries of joy and thanksgiving,
with the multitude keeping festival.
R. Like a deer that longs for running streams, my soul longs for you, my God.
Send forth your light and your fidelity;
they shall lead me on
And bring me to your holy mountain,
to your dwelling-place.
R. Like a deer that longs for running streams, my soul longs for you, my God.
Then will I go in to the altar of God,
the God of my gladness and joy;
then will I give you thanks upon the harp,
O God, my God!
R. Like a deer that longs for running streams, my soul longs for you, my God.

Glory / Gloria

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people of good will. We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you, we give you thanks for your great glory, Lord God, heavenly King, O God almighty Father.
Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us; you take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer; you are seated at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us.
For You alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Amen.

Collect Prayer

Epistle / Epístola
ROM 6:3-11
Proclaimed in English

A reading from the letter of St. Paul to the Romans.

 Brothers and sisters:
Are you unaware that we who were baptized into Christ Jesus
were baptized into his death?
We were indeed buried with him through baptism into death,
so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead
by the glory of the Father,
we too might live in newness of life.

For if we have grown into union with him through a death like his,
we shall also be united with him in the resurrection.
We know that our old self was crucified with him,
so that our sinful body might be done away with,
that we might no longer be in slavery to sin.
For a dead person has been absolved from sin.
If, then, we have died with Christ,
we believe that we shall also live with him.
We know that Christ, raised from the dead, dies no more;
death no longer has power over him.
As to his death, he died to sin once and for all;
as to his life, he lives for God.
Consequently, you too must think of yourselves as being dead to sin
and living for God in Christ Jesus.

The word of the Lord.
R. Thanks be to God.

Alleluia (Psalm 118)

R. Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his mercy endures forever.
Let the house of Israel say, “His mercy endures forever.”
R. Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.
La diestra del Señor es poderosa, la diestra del Señor es excelsa
No he de morir, viviré para contar las hazañas del Señor.
R. Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.
The stone which the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.
By the Lord has this been done; it is wonderful in our eyes.

Mt 28:1-10
Proclaimed in English & Spanish

The Lord be with you.
R. And with your spirit.
A reading from the Gospel according to Matthew.
R. Glory to you, O Lord.

 At daybreak on the first day of the week
the women who had come from Galilee with Jesus
took the spices they had prepared
and went to the tomb.
They found the stone rolled away from the tomb;
but when they entered,
they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus.
While they were puzzling over this, behold,
two men in dazzling garments appeared to them.
They were terrified and bowed their faces to the ground.
They said to them,
"Why do you seek the living one among the dead?
He is not here, but he has been raised.
Remember what he said to you while he was still in Galilee,
that the Son of Man must be handed over to sinners
and be crucified, and rise on the third day."
And they remembered his words.
Then they returned from the tomb
and announced all these things to the eleven
and to all the others.
The women were Mary Magdalene, Joanna, and Mary the mother of James;
the others who accompanied them also told this to the apostles,
but their story seemed like nonsense
and they did not believe them.
But Peter got up and ran to the tomb,
bent down, and saw the burial cloths alone;
then he went home amazed at what had happened.

 El primer día después del sábado, muy de mañana,
llegaron las mujeres al sepulcro, llevando los perfumes que habían preparado.
Encontraron que la piedra ya había sido retirada del sepulcro y entraron,
pero no hallaron el cuerpo del Señor Jesús.

Estando ellas todas desconcertadas por esto,
se les presentaron dos varones con vestidos resplandecientes.
Como ellas se llenaron de miedo e inclinaron el rostro a tierra, los varones les dijeron:
"¿Por qué buscan entre los muertos al que está vivo?
No está aquí; ha resucitado. Recuerden que cuando estaba todavía en Galilea les dijo:
'Es necesario que el Hijo del hombre sea entregado en manos de los pecadores
y sea crucificado y al tercer día resucite' ". Y ellas recordaron sus palabras.

Cuando regresaron del sepulcro, las mujeres anunciaron todas estas cosas a los Once y a todos los demás.
Las que decían estas cosas a los apóstoles eran María Magdalena,
Juana, María (la madre de Santiago) y las demás que estaban con ellas.
Pero todas estas palabras les parecían desvaríos y no les creían.

Pedro se levantó y corrió al sepulcro.
Se asomó, pero sólo vio los lienzos y se regresó a su casa, asombrado por lo sucedido.

 The Gospel of the Lord.
R. Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ.

Homily / Homilía
Fr. Felix P. Medina-Algaba, Queen of Peace pastor


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 Litany of Saints / Letanía de los Santos

Fr. Felix now goes with the ministers to the baptismal font.  As the Litany of the Saints is sung, the congregation invokes the intercession of all the saints for all those to be reborn in Baptism.
El Padre Félix ahora va con los ministros a la fuente bautismal y los catecúmenos son llamados hacia adelante. A medida que se canta la Letanía de los Santos, la congregación responde según el cantor.

Blessing of Baptismal Water / Bendición de la Fuente Bautismal

(We all respond “Amen” after “We ask this through Christ our Lord”)

Acclamation : “Springs of water, bless the Lord; praise and exalt him above all forever. ”

The Renewal of Baptismal Promises / Renovación de las Promesas Bautismales

Holding lighted candles in their hands, all renew the promises of our baptismal faith.
Con velas encendidas en nuestras manos, todos renovamos las promesas de nuestra fe bautismal.

Fr. Felix: Dear brothers and sisters, through the Paschal Mystery we have been buried with Christ in Baptism, so that we may walk with him in newness of life. And so, now that our Lenten observance is concluded, let us renew the promises of Holy Baptism, by which we once renounced Satan and his works and promised to serve God in the holy Catholic Church. And so I ask you:

Fr. Felix:              Do you renounce Satan?
Congregation: I do.
Fr. Felix:              And all his works?
Congregation: I do.
Fr. Felix:              And all his empty show?
Congregation: I do.
Fr. Felix:               ¿Creen en Dios, Padre todopoderoso, Creador del cielo y de la tierra?
Congregation: Si, Creo.
Fr. Felix:                ¿Creen en Jesucristo, su único Hijo, nuestro Señor, que nació de Santa María Virgen, murió, fue sepultado, resucitó de entre los muertos y está sentado a la derecha del Padre?
   Si, Creo.

  Fr. Felix:             ¿Creen en el Espíritu Santo, en la Santa Iglesia Católica, en la  comunión de los Santos, en el perdón de los pecados, en la resurrección de los muertos y en la vida eterna?

Congregation: I do.
Fr. Felix:               Y que Dios todopoderoso, Padre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, que nos ha dado nuevo nacimiento por el agua y e
Espíritu Santo y nos ha dado perdón de nuestros pecados, nos guarde por su gracia en Cristo Jesús nuestro
Señor, para la vida eterna.
Congregation: Amen.

 The priest sprinkles the people with the baptismal water.
El sacerdote asperja a la gente con el agua bautismal.

 Universal Prayer / Oración Universal


Offertory Hymn

Ye Sons and Daughters

 Cristo Jesús resucitó!
Cantar queremos en su honor
porque a la muerte derrotó.

Ye sons and daughters, let us sing!
The King of heaven, the glorious King,
O’er death today rose triumphing.

 Consecration and Eucharistic Prayer

Our Father

 Act of Spiritual Communion

My Jesus,
I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. 
I love You above all things,  and I desire to receive You into my soul. 
Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, 
come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You
as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You.
Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.

Oración para hacer una Comunión Espiritual

Creo, Jesús mío,
que estás realmente presente
en el Santísimo Sacramento del Altar;
te amo sobre todas las cosas y deseo ardientemente recibirte
dentro de mi alma, pero no pudiendo hacerlo ahora sacramentalmente,
ven al menos espiritualmente a mi corazón. Como si ya te hubiese recibido,
me abrazo y me uno todo a Ti, oh Jesús,
no permitas que me separe de ti. Amén.

 Communion Hymn

Pan de Vida

Pan de Vida, cuerpo del Señor, cup of blessing, blood of Christ the Lord.
ÇAt this table the last shall be first. Poder es servir, porque Dios es amor.

 Somos el templo de Dios, frágiles seres humanos.
Somos el cuerpo de Cristo, llamados a ser compasivos.

 We are the dwelling of God, fragile and wounded and weak.
We are the body of Christ, called to be the compassion of God.

 Closing Hymn
Jesus Christ is Risen Today
Jesus Christ is risen today, Alleluia! Our triumphant holy day, Alleluia!
Who did once upon the cross, Alleluia! Suffer to redeem our loss. Alleluia!

Hymns of praise then let us sing, Alleluia! Unto Christ, our heavenly King, Alleluia!
Who endured the cross and grave, Alleluia! Sinners to redeem and save. Alleluia! 

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Queen of Peace Catholic Parish │ Parroquia Católica Reina de la Paz
13120 E. Kentucky Ave. Aurora, CO 80012
(303) 364-1056 │