Contact: Stephanie Cain
Altar Servers: help facilitate our Eucharistic liturgies in a regular and reverent manner.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC): Assist the priests and deacons at Mass with distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ.
Hospitality Ministers: Exhibit a warm welcome to all parishioners and visitors attending Mass. Activities include greeting, seating, assisting the physically disabled, collecting the offertory, and assisting with the preparation of the gifts and the Communion procession.
Hospitality Ministers: Exhibit a warm welcome to all parishioners and visitors. Activities include greeting, seating, assisting the physically disabled, collecting the offertory, and assisting with the preparation of the gifts and the Communion procession. Help as needed during the year with special liturgical events. Meetings are held as needed.
Lectors: A lector is a Minister of the Word who proclaims God’s Word to the assembled faith community.
Sacristans are responsible for the care, cleaning, and preparing of the sacristy and liturgical equipment and supplies necessary for the celebration of the Mass.