Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Last week, I spoke on the importance of giving back to God in gratitude for His many blessings and trusting Him with every aspect of our lives, including our finances, at every weekend Mass. Today, many of you are responding to the Lord’s call, pledging to give back to Him from the blessings He has given us. This is a meaningful step in deepening your relationship with God and recognizing Him as the source of all that we have.
Some of you may be pledging for the first time, moving beyond casual giving to make a planned commitment, placing it at the foot of the altar. Perhaps you have been giving consistently but feel hesitant about pledging, and today you are choosing to trust by pledging a partial tithe. Or maybe you’ve sensed a desire for change in your life, and now, in faith, you are making a full tithe commitment. Others of you who have been tithing may be pledging to continue or increase your giving.
By making a pledge, you’re acknowledging God’s generosity and making a choice to give Him thanks. This act of trust will transform your relationship with Him. True tithing requires trust in God, and God never disappoints. When we give Him even a portion of our trust, He works wonders with it. I remember when I first let go of my attachment to material goods; God provided abundantly, and I found a happiness I could not even explain.
The Lord knows our hearts. As the psalmist asks, “How shall I make a return to the Lord for all the good He has done for me?” (Ps 116:12). Our giving is an act of gratitude, reflecting God’s boundless love, especially through Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. In offering His life, Christ showed us the purest form of self-giving love. Our own giving, then, is more than a financial choice—it’s a way to trust in God and live in Christ. When done with a joyful heart, it becomes a transformative act of faith, drawing us to dwell and remain in Him (cf. Jn 15:4).
As we continue our path toward becoming disciples of Christ, let’s not forget the most important thing we can do: pray. In this Sunday’s gospel from Mark, we hear Jesus speaking of the coming of the Son of Man with power and glory. He reminds us that while we do not know the day or hour, we are called to stay vigilant and prepared (Mk 13:24-32). This call to readiness invites us to examine where our hearts and treasures lie, making sure we are rooted in God, trusting Him with everything we have.
By dedicating our resources to His service, we align ourselves with His kingdom and prepare for His coming. Our discipleship of treasure becomes a way of living in faithful anticipation, an offering that keeps our hearts close to Him. Just as the Lord will gather His elect from the four corners of the earth, our faithful giving today brings us into communion with Him and strengthens the Church as we await His return.
If you are not making a pledge this weekend, I encourage you to pray. We will keep the pledge cards in the pews for a week, and next weekend, you will have another opportunity to fill one out. This week, I invite you to prayerfully think of all of the different ways the Lord has blessed you and about what’s truly keeping you from giving back to Him. You may discover something you didn’t realize before – pride, an attachment to something, fear, lack of trust in the Lord. Ask Him, and He will answer. Bring these to God in prayer, and He will guide you.
In Christ,
Fr. Felix P. Medina-Algaba