Penance Celebration
thursday, December 3rd, 2020
at 7pm in the church
Why should I go to confession now?
Because sin is a spiritual sickness that is even more deadly than the physical one. How many of our fears and anxieties are caused by sin! To confess our sins sacramentally means to receive the love and mercy of God! We do not go to the police officer to turn ourselves in, but to a loving Father, who receives us back to his Church! He, through the priest, says to us, “I absolve you.”
We will have 11 priests available for you. Make your confession as a preparation for Christmas now! Do it now, rather than later.
Safety Precautions
In order to respect social distancing, we will not form lines for confession. Please stay seated while waiting for confessions, maintaining social distancing. There will be 11 priests available for confession, spread out throughout the church. The hospitality ministers will indicate when it’s your turn to confess. There will be screens separating you and the priest. As an additional precaution, we ask that you please wear a mask.