Capital Campaign Kickoff Next Weekend
I am excited to share with you that we will begin our capital campaign next weekend! This is major milestone in our parish’s history, as it marks the beginning of our mission of building a new parish center for the salvation of many souls.
To kick off the campaign, we will have a big celebration. After every Mass, everyone is invited to joins us for food and entertainment in the Great Room. You will be able to see the new building designs, learn more about the project, and have answers to any questions you may have. We will not be soliciting money at these gatherings, they are simply for you to learn more about the project and celebrate its long-awaited beginning.... (click to read more)
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Consecration to Mary’s Immaculate Heart: Mary is the Way to Give Ourselves Completely to Christ
I want to thank all of you who said “yes” to the Lord last weekend during our Discipleship of Treasure Commitment Weekend. By making a pledge, you recognized the many blessings the Lord has given you, and you put your trust in Him. This is what following Christ and being his disciples is all about. To be disciples of Christ is to follow Him in everything we do, have, think and say in our lives...
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Our gifts of thanksgiving allow us to do God’s work
This weekend is our Discipleship of Treasure weekend. As we did with our Discipleship of Faith and Prayer and Discipleship of Time and Talent weekends, we will promise to give back to the Lord in Thanksgiving for everything He gives us. Our commitment comes from a need to give out of gratitude...
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Queen of Peace offers novena to consecrate our building efforts to Mary’s Immaculate Heart
As you may know, this year we celebrate the 100th anniversary of our Blessed Mother’s prophetic apparitions in Fatima. On the anniversary date of her last apparition, on October 13, Archbishop Aquila will consecrate the Archdiocese of Denver to Mary’s Immaculate Heart. We at Queen of Peace, as a member of the Archdiocese of Denver family, will join in this great opportunity to dedicate our lives to Christ through Mary. For us, this consecration is especially significant, because we will also entrust our new parish center building project to her Immaculate Heart...
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Discipleship of Talent: being the Church is building a home of love in our self-centered and lonely world
This weekend, we are taking another big step in our discipleship journey. It is our Discipleship of Time and Talent commitment weekend, in which we answer to God’s love by sharing our God-given time, gifts and talents with each other, towards the building of His Kingdom in our community...
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